Emergent Bilingual Resources
  • Title III - Bilingual, English as a Second Language (ESL), and Emergent Bilingual (EB) Resources

    All students must have a Home Language Survey completed in their permanent record.


    Identification Process:
    • If the Home Language Survey (HLS) indicates a language other than English, then testing must be initiated to determine English Proficiency.
    • Students in PK-1 must be administered an oral language proficiency test (OLPT) - preLAS or LAS Links.
    • Students in grades 2-12 must be administered an OLPT (LAS Links). Additionally, students must be administered the reading and language portions of an English achievement test from the State approved list.
    • Test results are evaluated to determine if student is LEP (Limited English Proficient).

    Language Proficiency Assessment Committee Responsibilities:

    The LPAC (Language Proficiency Assessment Committee) must meet within 4 weeks of the student’s ENROLLMENT and obtain all necessary documentation. The LPAC convenes to discuss the academic progress of the EB students served through the Bilingual/ESL program.

    • The LPAC reviews all pertinent information on all EB students and designates:

                  o The language proficiency level

                  o The academic achievement

                  o The initial instructional placement

    •  Program placement is subject to parent approval. Approval/disapproval must be kept in the student’s permanent record folder.
    •  The LPAC classifies the students as EB.
    •  The LPAC recommends their exit from the Billingual/ESL program.
    •  Students in PK-1st grade may not be exited from the Bilingual/ESL program
    •  The LPAC may refer to students to the Special Education Program and must collaborate with the ARD committee when EB students are discussed.
    • The LPAC should monitor EB students with parent denials.
    • The LPAC should determine if students meet the exit criteria.


    The District will provide a summer school program for EB students whenever there are at least 10 eligible participants.


    The Bilingual/ESL program will be evaluated each year to ensure program effectiveness and improve student performance.



    Assistant Superintendent and Director of Federal/State Programs Dr. Craig Wilcox 903-726-3306 x 747 cwilcox@newsummerfieldisd.net



    Texas English Language Learners Portal


Emergent Bilingual Parent, Family, Community Resources